DraZe Records is a Budapest-based independent label focusing on Hungarian indie, alternative, underground music and releasing vinyls.
2011-12: First dreams of making vinyls. That time it was something like releasing classic metal stuff on vinyl which had only been available on cd or cassette only until that time.
2013-14: First talks with ex-band members. A couple of them were supportive, a couple were not interested in reviving memories of the “good-old-days”.
2014-15: First successful negotiations. Mister X, a legendary melodic metal band from the early 90’s says yes to releasing their first studio recording after having recorded it 25 years ago.
2015-16: Discovering excellent active bands and turning to current scene rock music. Releasing Turbo’s fantastic 3rd studio album on vinyl.
2016-2017: Digging deeper into Hungary’s indie, alternative rock scene. Contacting Dope Calypso to offer vinyl release of their successful 2nd album. Instead of releasing old stuff, they insisted on releasing a brand new album. That was a milestone in becoming a real record label. In fact, it is still the best-selling vinyl in label’s history.
2018: Another cooperation with Dope Calypso. Their new album is released again by DraZe Records.
2018: Contacted by Abel Mihalik, drummer of a couple of legendary local bands who was just preparing his first solo album. DraZe records took part in this project.
Also in 2018 we introduced the “I still listen to records” logo. It was born from a small Christmas gift that turned to be more than just a simple badge.
2019: The first really busy year in the label’s history. We workied on 4 vinyl releases that year. The live recording of a synth-punk band, Black Bartók, their first album, came out in April for that year’s Record Store Days. Then David Fodor, a young bass player and singer (known from the short-lived band, The Nobody Elses) recorded his first solo album and prepared it for vinyl release. Simultaneously, we started discussions with one of the best Hungarian underground bands, Jazzékiel, who were preparing for the 10th anniversary of their legendary album entitled Holy Shit. As part of the celebration, we issued the record on vinyl as well. And finally, just before Christmas we had finalized the work on the fantastic surf-rock band, The Keeymen’s first studio album and its vinyl version.
2020: 4 new vinyl releases were pressed in springtime. It was a very busy period, made even more difficult by the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic situation. But all 4 arrived in time, just as planned, except that Record Store Day has been postponed 2 times, so RSD exclusive vinyl waited long time to be released.
In historical order, first Mordái LP was followed by new Jazzékiel LP, and just within a month a fantastic and most wanted Platon Karataev’s Atoms LP is out! And finally Sallai Laszlo’s best of compilation was released as Record Store Day 2020 exclusive in August.
Still in 2020 Mordai LP was needed to repress after good sales. The second press has been made on red vinyl and an extra insert has been added.
2021: Again, springtime was a very busy period when 3 new vinyl releases were pressed and released.
In historical order, 3rd Dope Calypso vinyl called Tears To Freshwater was out in April. It was followed by the long-awaited new Middlemist Red LP called The Other Side Of Nowhere. And finally a compilation album from Hangmás (Rest In Parties 2007-2013) was released as Record Store Day 2021 exclusive in June.
Together with the new vinyls Platon Karataev’s Atoms LP has been repressed thanks to the huge demand from the fans. Also, Mordai LP continued to be popular which made a 2nd repress necessary. This time it came out on nice white vinyl.
Flyer 2021 showing all of our vinyl releases.
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2022: No new record produced in this year. The only “new” release was a RSD exclusive version of DRAZE016 Jazzekiel: Szep napok LP. Black vinyl, pressed in 25 copies and supplied with an extra cover.
2023: New releases in the catalog. At the very beginning of the year the new album of The Keeymen was out. Standard version is available on white vinyl, but very limited RSD exclusive version has been also pressed on black vinyl.
Later, in May, the second album of Mordai band was completed and released. It got excellent feedback, for the fantastic music, as well as for the design of the LP. Last for the year was Black Bartok’s new studio album called The Last Disco. And it’s indeed very likely the last from the band who then announced the last concert to say good-bye to the fans.
2024: In February the new studio album of Dope Calypso was out. Back to the heavy guitar sound, heavier than ever.
Dope Calypso: Giddy Up LP
LP – DraZe 022
6th studioalbum of Dope Calypso, 4th in a row on vinyl.
Pressed in 140 copies on white vinyl.
The band is back to their best, even heavier than before.
LP – DraZe 021
Second and probably the last album from Black Bartók featuring 7 new songs.
Pressed in 140 copies on black vinyl.
The album release show is advertised as the last concert of the band.
LP – DraZe 020
MORDAI is a Hungarian folk rock group that draws upon the repertoire of the experimental folk movements of the 60s and 70s (Muzsikas, Sebo ensemble etc). The band’s tone and subject matter summons and is driven by the dark presence of the Outlaw.
Mordai’s second album draws more deeply from the less-known folk music traditions. At the same time, folk songs are given a new color and a new meaning in well-thought-out compositions, with precisely recorded and post-processed recordings.
Red vinyl, including 3 photo inserts and a lyric insert.
The Keeymen 2
LP – DraZe 019
2nd album of the best Hungarian surf-rock band. Digitally released on the last days of 2021, vinyl manufactured in January, 2023. 200 hand-numbered copies, available in white and black color. Contains a classic postcard with the photo of the band, stamped with a guitar pick. The first 100 copies also contain a download card.
RSD 2023 exclusive version: alternative version of the front cover is added as a front board.
Hangmás: Rest In Parties 2007-2013 LP
LP – DraZe 018
Record Store Day 2021 Exclusive release!
200, hand-numbered copies with poster.
Compilation album from the one of the most important Hungarian indie rock band in 2000’s.
LP – DraZe 017
3rd studio album of Middlemist Red. Released on June, 2021.
210 copies, black vinyl including florescent insert.
“The Other Side Of Nowhere is a true sonic experiment that aspires to recall the Western genre’s essence, following its aesthetic while rethinking it with altered tools, instrumentation and arrangements. The album is a reinterpretation of the cinematic style, merging psychedelia, electronic sounds, Hungarian folk, and tribal music. The album maintains the legacy of the Wild West by following the footprints of its hero’s journey through solidarity under the scorching sun.”
LP – DraZe 014
Originally released on May 1, 2020 in 111 copies, standard black vinyl. Re-pressing made in November, 2020, 66 copies red vinyl. The 2nd re-pressing is made on white vinyl and released on October 2021.
The album is made up entirely of fuzzy, horn-heavy and heavily electronic pieces inspired by traditional Hungarian folk songs. These are radical interpretations all told, with the band’s vibrant sound being informed more by jazz, funk-rock and post-punk as much as traditional Eastern European folk music.
“Mordái is the front runner of the youngest wave of Hungarian dark folk rock. Inspired by the experimental folk music movement of the 1960s and ‘70s and giants of the genre such as Muzsikás or the Sebő band, Mordái debuted in 2018 with lead singer Soma Nóvé’s EP, “Népdalok” (“Folk songs”). Their sound focuses on the dark aura of folklore, fuses it with drops of wildly experimental jazz and brings it to catharsis with powerful hard rock. Their music feels like walking through a forest at night – and knowing that bandits are watching the road.”
LP – DraZe 013
Released on August 29, 2020 as Record Store Day 2020 exclusive.
Compilation album of young Hungarian guitarist, bassist, songwriter, singer, Laszló Sallai who leads 2 bands and plays in several other at the same time.
Comes with photo and text insert.
LP – DraZe 012
Like the band’s namesake character, Platon Karataev’s music is simple and sincere in its earnestness. There’s no aloofness, just a tinge of grandiosity to prime the strummed melodies and vocal harmonies for stadium crowds. Plucked as they are from cosy moments of unexpected bliss, the songs can appeal to both seasoned music pros and casual radio listeners. – Daniel Sheppard (Europavox)
LP – DraZe 009
Released on June 15, 2019.
Release show: Kalóz Record Shop, Budapest, June 15, 2019.
A songwriter’s solo-type album of the bass-player of The Nobody Elses. Special cover of 2 classic Omega and Locomotiv GT songs are also featured on the record.
Released in 111 copies!
Small poster with lyrics included.
Mihalik Abel is former drummer of famous Hungarian bands including Kispal es a Borz and Kiscsillag. His first solo album features notable musicians such as Sena, Mensa, Zentai Mark, Agoston Bela etc.
LP – DraZe 004
90% completed but never finished.
The mistery of missing DraZe 004 cat nr in our label history.
Dope Calypso Mau Mau LP
LP – DraZe 003
Released on May 21, 2017.
Release show: Akvarium, Budapest, May 21, 2017.
The concert was broadcasted on M2-Petofi Tv as part of a rock contest.
Released in 222 copies, available as black and purple vinyl. SOLD OUT!
Poster and download card included.
Mister X – I remember reading an article about this material in Metal Hammer about 25 years ago. Due to the positive feedback I started to look for it, but with not much result. But then luck smiled upon me when Laszlo Lenard from Metal Hammer recorded it for me on a cassette and gave it to me. I couldn’t stop playing it over and over again. I liked it so much.
At that time no one played this kind of melodic metal as good as them in Hungary. Well designed melodies clashed with memorable verses and outstanding solos are all important characteristics of their work. It is a sound that had a place on international scene as well and the quality of the sound is remarkable too, so much that the piece could still be present in todays playlists. Unfortunately around that time (1991) melodic metal has already reached its peak and started to declinewith bands slowly breaking up. Grunge started to take over and swept out the rest of the hair metal bands in one single swipe.
Thus the Mister X record fell from grace as well and they broke up not long after recording that material. But I’ve never forgotten them, and it has always been my old secret dream to release this piece of Hungarian hard rock/metal music to show it to everyone and not let it fade with time once and for all. Finally it was released in the fall of 2015 only in vinyl version. 333 hand numbered copies were brought to light with a photo insert.
I highly recommend all melodic metal and vinyl fans to get a copy!
Mister X – emlékszem, amikor 25 éve megjelent egy írás a Metal Hammer-ben egy Mister X nevű zenekar studio felvételéről. A pozitív hangnemnek köszönhetően elkezdtem kutatni az anyag után. Nem sok sikerrel, mert nem akart megjelenni. Egyszer aztán rám mosolygott a szerencse, Lénárd László a Metal Hammer főszerkesztője felvette nekem kazettára. A kazettát rongyosra hallgattam, annyira tetszett.
Akkoriban ezt a dallamos metalt ilyen magas szinten nem játszotta itthon senki.Kimunkált dallamok, fülbemászó refrének és virtuóz szólók jellemezték a muzsikát. Bátran oda lehetett helyezni a kortárs nemzetközi bandák mellé is. A hangzás is kiváló. A mai napig megállja helyét. Nagyon szépen szól a felvétel. Sajnos akkoriban (1991-et írunk) megtorpant és hanyatlásnak indult a dallamos metal zene és a bandák is sorra oszlottak fel. A grunge lett a divat és elsöpörte a hajbandákat!
Ezért a Mister X lemezének a megjelenése is kútba esett. Fel is oszlottak nemsokkal a lemez elkészülte után. Én azonban nem feledtem el ezt a nagyszerű bandát. Régóta dédelgettem azt az álmom, hogy megjelentetem ezt a nagyszerű anyagot, hogy méltó módon dokumentáljuk a magyar hard rock/metal történelem eme gyöngyszemét és ne merüljön a feledés homályába végleg. Végre 2015 őszén megjelent az anyag kizárólag vinyl formátumban, ezzel is emelve a kiadvány ázsióját. 333 kézzel számozott példányban látott napvilágot.
A lemezhez egy fotó inzert is jár. Melegen ajánlott minden dallamos metal és bakelit rajongónak a figyelmébe.